The main key to winning with this deck is to get your Chandra’s on curve.With Chandra’s Regulator, you can double the effects of each Chandra planeswalker.You can ramp into other Chandra’s to create more devastating damage.Some meta decks are present in this list but I only included those with fun and unique interactions. However, I created this list to present players with decks that are both fun and still highly competitive. Because of the meta, some players face restrictions on what decks to play since non-meta decks may perform poorly on ranked matchmaking. This presents the need to evaluate the meta of whatever format you are playing on. Izzet Dragons is a mixture of a control deck and a midrange-creature deck.MTGA is a highly competitive game that relies heavily on strategy, some luck, and great game sense.It also has a lot of strong creatures that will definitely give you the bang for your buck.It is equipped with a decent amount of control cards to protect your creatures.With the ability to ramp out into the late game, Izzet Dragons is the type of midrange deck that fits well into the meta.Use your counterspells as well as your board wipes frequently and you will be in a good position for the later parts of the game.The main concept of this deck is to prevent the opponent from casting their big spells so that you can hang around until you mill them out.

It is also equipped with spells that can protect your life total or your hand so you can reach the later stage of the game with a massive advantage.By eliminating the concept of Rogues and focusing primarily on mill, you can get a faster combo to deal with your opponent’s library.One of the best versions of control in the meta is Dimir Control.Tibalt is also a good mana sink that can surely secure a win if you can cast it and protect it for the succeeding turns.Maximize Valki, God of Lies to copy whatever powerful creature is exiled with it.Since this deck is graveyard-based, use your sacrifice spells as well as discard spells frequently to ensure a constant source for your graveyard spells.It also gives a good amount of value with regards to the spells you cast.The creature-based meta makes for a good target for Sacrifice as it can wipe out your opponent’s creatures easily.Sacrifice decks are still pretty powerful as they can deal with a huge portion of decks in the meta.Making sure you have the right amount, and order, of ETB cards when casting Yorion can be the difference between a win or a loss.Utilizing the proper sequencing of your spells can help in securing wins with this deck.It also presents a great win condition for a dynamic gameplay.Since the meta is focused primarily on creatures, this version of the deck is fine-tuned to deal with those.Just like the past versions of Esper Yorion, the Sultai counterpart is also a powerful deck that can deal with a wider range of threats in the meta.You can always cast another copy to finish off the remaining health points. You should also take note that when using Zenith Flare, you don’t always need to have the exact amount of damage to end the game.Maximizing your turns is the only advice that you need as you can always Cycle your cards during the opponent’s turn.This deck does not have a lot of strategies that you need to be aware of.